Mission Purpose
The Bicycle Messenger Emergency Fund is a 501 c3 non profit public charity organization that provides emergency compensation to bicycle messengers who are hurt on the job. Currently the BMEF allocates a $500 emergency cheque to help messengers anywhere in the world during the first week of injury. This provides a boost, to both the financial and the mental/emotional state of the injured messenger. The goal is to help the injured cope and recover. Please donate today to help support our mission.
Global Skills
Bicycle messengers are an integral part of much of the world’s urban business centres. By bypassing slow moving traffic, accessing shortcuts unavailable to motor vehicles, and not being burdened with finding a place to park on crowded downtown streets, bicycle messengers provide very quick delivery services allowing businesses to operate more efficiently. Many law firms, ad agencies, property managers, government departments, those in the entertainment, service and countless other industries in cities around the globe rely on bicycle messengers… rely on them very much.
Cycling in Heavy Traffic
Bicycle messengers choose the occupation for a myriad of reasons, usually earning commissions per delivery and relying on their own work ethic, and customers’ satisfaction, to earn their paycheques. Many bicycle messengers are forced to go without job security, insurance, or injury compensation. Obviously cycling in heavy traffic can be a dangerous enough ordeal, never mind cycling in heavy traffic 40 hours or more per week to help clients meet deadlines and in turn their own clients’ demands. Injuries can be a common occurrence and contrary to popular belief, though according to many stats, rarely is the fault of the cyclist. Nearly all bike messengers consider themselves skilled professionals who make every effort to avoid accidents.
Reality of the Industry
On the job injuries in any profession can be very difficult to cope with, can lead to disillusionment and depression, and can even prevent one from performing everyday tasks. Imagine not being able to cook your own meals or do household chores, all the while taking a financial hit because income has been halted. Imagine this injury was no fault of your own yet insurance or legal settlement – if not a hit and run case – were to take weeks, months, or years. Imagine you were injured only because you were doing your job, serving your clients the way they expect to be served.
Good judgment comes from experience and a lot of that comes from bad judgment
Will Rogers
Our Supporters
We could not do this without the generous support of our donors.
Requesting BMEF Aid
To qualify for BMEF aid one must:
- Be employed as a bicycle messenger Full Time.
- Be injured while on the job.
- Request aid during the first week of injury.
- Unable to work on a bicycle for at least a month.
- The BMEF is not to be used to pay bills. It is for food and medicine.
- Provide adequate proof of injury on the job by giving the courier company’s name and the name of a witness to verify the injury is legitimate. A messenger will personally investigate the claim and visit the person. If a messenger isn't available to verify this a friend will visit.
- Company Name
- Company Phone
- Supervisor Name
- Estimated time off work
- Nature of injuries
- How you got injured
- Whether you were injured on the job
The following information must be included in your message:
REMEMBER: you MUST be injured on the job to qualify for BMEF aid!
Special thanks to our messenger community for supporting MAYDAY and helping to raise over $20,000 in the past 5 years
Compassion leave no brother or sister behind.
Jean Andre Vallery