
Mission Purpose

The Bicycle Messenger Emergency Fund is a 501 c3 non profit public charity organization that provides emergency compensation to bicycle messengers who are hurt on the job. Currently the BMEF allocates a $500 emergency cheque to help messengers anywhere in the world during the first week of injury. This provides a boost, to both the financial and the mental/emotional state of the injured messenger. The goal is to help the injured cope and recover. Please donate today to help support our mission.

  • I like a look of Agony, Because I know it's true
    Emily Dickinson
  • You are in control of your life until the moment of injury
    Lucas Brunelle
  • The only way to certainly avoid being injured while riding a bicycle is not to ride.
    Sidi owners’ manual 2009
  • To finish the race requires a spirit that won't quit when the body begs it to.
    Greg Lemond
  • Good judgment comes from experience and a lot of that comes from bad judgment
    Will Rogers
  • Shut up, legs.
    Jens Voigt
  • Compassion leave no brother or sister behind.
    Jean Andre Vallery

Our Supporters

We could not do this without the generous support of our donors.

Requesting BMEF Aid

To qualify for BMEF aid one must:

  • Be employed as a bicycle messenger Full Time.
  • Be injured while on the job.
  • Request aid during the first week of injury.
  • Unable to work on a bicycle for at least a month.
  • The BMEF is not to be used to pay bills. It is for food and medicine.
  • Provide adequate proof of injury on the job by giving the courier company’s name and the name of a witness to verify the injury is legitimate. A messenger will personally investigate the claim and visit the person. If a messenger isn't available to verify this a friend will visit.
  • The following information must be included in your message:

    • Company Name
    • Company Phone
    • Supervisor Name
    • Estimated time off work
    • Nature of injuries
    • How you got injured
    • Whether you were injured on the job

    REMEMBER: you MUST be injured on the job to qualify for BMEF aid!

    Special thanks to our messenger community for supporting MAYDAY and helping to raise over $20,000 in the past 5 years

    • I like a look of Agony, Because I know it's true
      Emily Dickinson
    • You are in control of your life until the moment of injury
      Lucas Brunelle
    • The only way to certainly avoid being injured while riding a bicycle is not to ride.
      Sidi owners’ manual 2009
    • To finish the race requires a spirit that won't quit when the body begs it to.
      Greg Lemond
    • Good judgment comes from experience and a lot of that comes from bad judgment
      Will Rogers
    • Shut up, legs.
      Jens Voigt
    • Compassion leave no brother or sister behind.
      Jean Andre Vallery